Thursday, December 06, 2012

Blonde Drives Honda FCX Clarity in Fuel-Cell Vehicle Promo

The hydrogen fuel-cell Honda FCX Clarity had fallen under the radar, in recent years, as support for such vehicles seems to have died down in recent years. However, it has now been brought into the lime light, being featured in an ad which intends to promote hydrogen as a viable alternative means of propulsion.

The clip itself was put together by the Clean Energy Partnership, which is a “a network of companies pulling together to introduce hydrogen as a fuel.” It features an attractive blonde woman, who enters a library in search of a book, yet her high-heel shoes, and eventually her phone get her thrown out. 

She then quietly creeps inside (somehow) aboard the very quiet FCX Clarity, scaring the librarian into dropping his coffee.

However, we do know that hydrogen is still expensive to produce, and the fuel cell technology is also very expensive, so the prospect of it being feasible is still at least a decade in the future, we say. 

We hope to be proven wrong, but from all the information we have gathered, we are quite sure the technology is still far too expensive, and since other alternatives are considerably cheaper (while still being expensive compared to conventional means of propulsion).


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