Saturday, December 22, 2012

Solifague Design Steam Engine Motorcycle

Mikhail Smolyanov of Solifague Design is not the motorcycle designer you meet everyday. His designs are astoundingly exclusive and boast a kind of unique refinement which is simply rarely met in similar endeavors. And since Xmas is near, here's Mikhail's steam engine concept mopeds, fit to play a role in any of the most beautiful stories.
There is an amazing thing about these three striking concepts: as crazy and utterly unbelievable as they seem, they've actually been commissioned by a guy in Sankt Petersburg who wanted to build them and see them ride. Nothing has been heard eversince so we could not tell whether the guy is working to get them in working condition or has just ordered huge prints of them for hanging on his walls.
We hopelessly dream that these breathtaking proper steampunk vehicles could somehow become real bikes manufactured by someone sharing the surprising creative genius of Mikhail Smolyanov.


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