Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Angola Plans to Buy Russian Su-30 Fighters

A Russian government delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin earlier in the week with a two-day visit to Luanda. One of the main topics of the talks, expected to become the subject of bilateral military-technical cooperation, "Kommersant."

 According to "Kommersant" high-ranking source in the Russian government, the delegation will include, in particular, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Natural Resources, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, head of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation Alexander Fomin and the head of "Rosoboronexport" Anatoly Isaykin.
In the overall structure of supply of "Rosoboronexport" in Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for about no more than 8% - this figure, according to a representative of "Rosoboronexport", should be increased, "we can not ignore the fact that Africa has attracted the attention of other countries, and to give potentially profitable customers to their competitors would be just silly. " 

According to "Kommersant", Angola will be announced Moscow's readiness to supply fighter jets such as the Su-30 in the required quantities and discuss the possibility of creating a joint production of various military and dual appointments.


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