Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Russian Tigr Tested with HITROLE - Light RWS

A Russian Military Industrial Company (MIC) Tigr MultiPurpose Vehicle (MPV) has been fitted with the Italian Oto Melara HITROLE - Light remote weapon station (RWS) and will undertake a series of combination-proving firing trials in Russia.

The standard production HITROLE - Light is normally armed with a Western 7.62 mm MG3 or a .50 calibre M2 HB machine gun (MG), which is loaded from the left with the sensor package mounted externally on the right. The Russian 7.62 mm PKT and 12.7 mm NSVT MGs are loaded from the right, imposing some modification to the mount

HITROLE- Light can also be fitted with the 40 mm Mk19 automatic grenade launcher.

The weapons are fully stabilized, which enables targets to be engaged with a high first round hit probability whilst the Tigr is stationary or moving.
Traverse is powered through a full 360 degrees, with weapon elevation powered from -20 to +70 degrees. The weapon is laid onto the target by the gunner using a flat panel display and two control handles positioned to the rear of the vehicle commander, who is seated front right of the vehicle.

The sensor package includes a CCD day camera sight with continuous zoom, uncooled thermal camera and a laser rangefinder.

HITROLE - Light RWS was originally developed as a private venture by Oto Melara. Following trials the Italian Army placed its first contract for 81 vehicles for installation on the Iveco Defence Vehicles Lince 4x4 Light Multirole Vehicle (LMV) deployed by the Italian Army.

Since then, a second order has been placed for 40 HITROLE - Light for installation on Iveco Defence Vehicles' Tactical Medium Multirole Vehicle 4x4 in the Route Clearance Package, also for the Italian Army.


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