Friday, October 04, 2013

On Friday, October 04, 2013 by Unknown in ,    No comments
Milan is over 100 miles from the nearest sea. Strange then that a submarine appears to have surfaced in the middle of the city. There can be only two explanations for this event. One. Milan has a massive sewer system which is capable of being navigated by subs. Or two. Somebody’s been getting creative at the ad agency.

Of course it’s two. Milan-based agency M&C SAATCHI have placed a fiberglass submarine codenamed #L1F3 onto the streets of the city and surrounded it by what looks like broken concrete and an unlucky SMART car. To add to the realism, there are firemen (actors) who look to be trying to extract the sub, and even a hapless crew sitting bemused in the conning tower!
The stunt was designed to draw attention to the Italian insurance company Genertel and their new protectyourlife website. You may have already noticed that the subs #L1F3 serial number reads LIFE. The company have been inviting people to tweet to the hashtag, but as one person already pointed out, it would have been more effective had the stunt been allowed to play out for a little longer before announcing what it was really about.


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