Saturday, December 22, 2012

On Saturday, December 22, 2012 by Unknown in , ,    No comments
One of the automotive blockbusters off all time and, at the same time, one of the most iconic designs ever made, the “round door” Phantom I Aerodynamic Coupé was a truly magnificent Rolls-Royce. Having been penned down by Jonckheere Works, back in 1935, in Belgium, the dark 4-wheeler was unfortunately torn to pieces during the Second World War.
Recently, the fabled designer Ugur Sahin of Rolls-Royce has been commissioned to recreate a car that matches the previously destroyed model, dubbed as the Rolls Royce Jonckheere Aerodynamic Coupe II.  By looking at the pictures, we clearly realize that his expertise and tastes for short, bulky bodies and exceptionally long bonnets has been well implemented here.
Design-wise, he also manages to retain the charm of the 77-year old car. The most important and noticeable modifications that he has done are on the front fender, with headlights that seek to drop into the fenders, alongside a reduced fin at the rear end.
We have also found out that discussions are being considered, with some investors, for manufacturing a one off as well. The original was quite an engineering marvel at its time, having been crafted with the best in technology. A contemporary model would really be a milestone for Rolls-Royce.


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