Tuesday, August 06, 2013

On Tuesday, August 06, 2013 by Unknown in , , , ,    No comments
Move over Segway, there’s a new sheriff in town or at least a new self-balancing riding experience.  The Ryno Micro-Cycle is set to mobilize young commuters and officials around urban centers in a way never before seen.  
The American brand’s innovative self-balancing, one wheel, electric cycle is poised to take over in markets that embrace scooters as an accepted mode of transportation like college campuses and in cities where people work and shop close to where they live.
Police officials can also maneuver through traffic and control crowds on the Ryno that has a 30 mile driving range and goes at 20 mph.  It is small enough to take on the train, in your building’s elevator and back home again.  The vehicle is expected to retail for around $4200. 


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