Sunday, February 02, 2014

On Sunday, February 02, 2014 by Unknown in , , , , ,    No comments
There’s an old, rather tasteless, yet somewhat true joke that goes, “How is a fat girl like a moped? They’re both fun to ride, but you don’t want your friends to see you.” Admittedly, the cool factor with scooters is rather low, but would you change your mind if there was a cannon attached to it?

Seen at the new Vespa Museum is the decades-old 150 TAP, featuring a top speed of 40 mph and yes, an integrated M20 recoilless rifle / light anti-armor cannon. The 150 TAP was used by French special forces in the Algerian and second Indochina war, and about 500 of these were made. It used a 150cc two-stroke engine, and it was designed to be dropped into combat by parachute on a palette, protected by hay-bales, no less. Tricking this baby out back then meant changing the warheads for the M20, including smokescreen option. [via]


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